Posted by Justin Runyon on January 31, 2022
Half the battle of QA is finding issues with your product, but the other half of the battle is often the really tough part: communicating the issues to the developers in order to fix them in the bug tracker.
Here are 6 easy ways to improve your bug reporting descriptions in order to communicate more clearly to the development team.
Oftentimes the frame of mind you have when starting any type of work is what will lead to the most success.
For a great QA session to be successful, it helps to reset your mindset to think with the receiver of the feedback in mind. Then, you avoid assuming that the reports your writing are going to be understood perfectly by the intended audience.
After practicing your mantra of “The developers cannot read my mind”, make sure every single bug report is centered around these two questions:
Lucky for you, a bug tracking tool like BugCatcher makes the “Where?” question so much easier to answer because you can click exactly where the bug is occurring on the page (and we include the exact page automatically, too!). So, you just have to worry about the “How?” and describe exactly what you were doing when you encountered the bug.
Related to the above tip, this is how to write a better “How?” to give as much information as possible to the developers in order to make defect logging as understandable as possible.
Here’s a bad example of this:
“Pizza image doesn’t look correct on the page.”
Here’s a better example:
“The image of the pizza on the left side of the page should match the sizing of the image of the salad on the right side of the page. This is found halfway down the page when scrolling and is next to the title: “We’ve got the pizza you’re craving”.
In the second example, we’ve clearly identified how the incorrect image was encountered and how it should be fixed. If you’re using BugCatcher to gather feedback, this is done even more quickly and precisely
This one is soft skill that does hard work for your team: when writing your bug descriptions, use a suggestive tone rather than a commanding tone.
For example, instead of saying, “Change the order of topnav items to ‘FEATURES | BLOG | FAQ | PRICING’ to ‘PRICING | FEATURES | FAQ | BLOG'”, you can simply put “Can we change the order of topnav items to ‘PRICING | FEATURES | FAQ | BLOG'”. It sounds silly, but after a long night or two of development, waking up the next morning and seeing suggestions instead of commands helps build better rapport between teams.
This one’s not necessarily for the QA team, but perhaps for the product manager or client who needs to make a change to copy on the website.
Oftentimes, the copy that needs to be changed isn’t called out specifically, or it isn’t exactly clear what the new copy should be.
As an example, the feedback giver might write, Change See our menu to Order now.
Besides being tough to decipher grammatically, it’s so much easier to see exactly what needs to be changed by writing the exact phrases in quotations.
A better way to write the above would be, Change “See our menu” to “Order now”.
Now the developer knows exactly what the changed copy should be and how it should appear.
Of course, don’t forget to answer “Where?”!
One of the easiest ways to make sure the QA team is on the same page as the development team is to keep the teams as close together as possible. This might be achieved by including one member of the QA team in the daily standup.
Many times, the QA team is kept completely in the dark. The thinking is that if they come at things COMPLETELY unbiased, they’ll do a much better job of testing according to the way a typical user would.
This is a fallacy, because no matter what, your QA team is likely going to already be more savvy than your general user.
So, the solution is to find a balance by including one key member of the QA team in the daily standup so they’re aware of the product’s goals and the objectives the developers are looking to meet. This QA team member will be able to better write bug reports because they know how they need to be communicating properly to the development team.
Later, for an unbiased user testing, you can include another member of the QA team to do another run-through.
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